Office building of cgsp gets puro plus façade cladding from SVK
The building of the CGSP (general public services centre) in Charleroi is currently undergoing extensive renovation. The Rose company from Hanzinelle is taking care of the entire facade. SVK's Puro Plus facade panel has been chosen for the renovation of the facade. Together with SVK, DeFrancq technically assisted the installer to make this large facade project a success story.

The entire facade of the CGSP building totals 500 m² The project in the centre of Charleroi has been completely renovated with SVK's Puro Plus facade panel. It was the first time that Rose opted for a fibre cement facade panel from SVK's range. The main reason for choosing this panel was the natural look and simple sawing of the material. The choice of the right saw blade is decisive in this respect. SVK's facade panels are always sawn with a diamond saw blade that is also suitable for sawing other hard materials such as ceramics and natural stone. When sawing on site, a sufficiently powerful hand saw is therefore also essential.
Rose NV. already has some experience in the installation of fibre cement cladding. Rose explains: "What I consider particularly important is that the manufacturer's installation guidelines are followed properly. My experience has already taught me that when that happens, the result is very good. It's often in the details, but we at Rose find that very important. For this project, for example, we opted for a glued fastening. SVK's extra advice on gluing the panels came in handy. There are a lot of factors to take into account for the correct bonding of a wall cladding panel. The right knowledge is essential for this. But what turned out to be the most difficult for us in the end for this project was the realisation of the substructure. The structure protrudes 450mm in relation to the façade and that required a lot of extra work, Rose goes on".

Rose was also extremely satisfied with the logistical support provided by DeFrancq. The branch in Charlerloi is only 800 m from the site. "The fact that the branch is so close is an extra advantage for us as a contractor. In addition, all the ordered materials were always on time at the site," says Rose.
Why would we recommend Puro Plus?
"I would certainly also recommend the Puro Plus façade panel from SVK for other projects. The natural aspect of this panel together with its good price quality and beautiful natural aging make it a really interesting product, completes Rose".
Why fiber cement?
There are many other reasons why SVK's fibre cement cladding is an excellent choice for both small and large projects. All SVK fibre cement products meet fire class A2, which makes them virtually incombustible. Moreover, they are not static; they do not attract dirt and are low-maintenance. Within the standard dimensions of a 3070 x 1220 mm and 2520 x 1220 mm board, anything is actually possible. In addition to sawing all kinds of shapes, SVK's CNC machines can carry out various other operations, such as milling into the sheet of, for example, a house number, relief or drawing. This extra sawing service also means that SVK can offer the contractor extra support. In addition, this means that a project no longer has any creative boundaries and you can give each building a unique character. This versatility makes fibre cement products a reliable and durable product.

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